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Any time a student is not in school, parents/ guardians are required to verify the absence. You can do this by:

  1. Sending a note to school to our office

    1. With your student's name, date of absence, teacher, reason for absence , and parent/guardian signature

  2. Emailing our attendance clerk Mrs. Marlo Mervosh at

  3. Calling our office at 562-804-6518

  4. Coming to our Office and Completing an Absence Form

  5. Answering our Attendance messaging system that calls your number directly

The attendance clerk has 5-10 days to make changes to a students attendance record. Past 10 days they are unable to go back and make changes to attendance codes

Our School District requires that we hold an attendance conference after 6 unexcused absences or excessive number of tardies.  Our school attendance team will meet with you to discuss your child’s attendance and work with you as a school site to best support your child and family.

The School Attendance team will be contacting families who will need to attend the conferences via ParentSquare.

School Attendance Policy

First page of the PDF file: AttendancePolicyStephenFosterParentandStudentHandbook2024-20251

School Distirct Policy

Stephen Foster Attendance Brohure English

First page of the PDF file: SFAttendanceBrochure

Stephen Foster Attendance Brochure Spanish

First page of the PDF file: SFAttendanceBrochure1_1