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PBIS Information

PBIS at Foster

Administration, teachers, students and parents all have expectations for behavior, but are we always on the same page?  The main purpose of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is to provide clear and consistent expectations for all students in all settings at Stephen Foster Elementary School.  Through PBIS, the Stephen Foster staff is working to create and maintain a positive, safe learning environment with consistent expectations. 

If you have had the opportunity to join us for morning flag salute, you have heard our PBIS motto: BOLTS!

Be prepared

Own Your Actions

Lead with character

Treat others with respect

Strive for excellence      

These behavioral expectations provide a common language for all members of the Foster community.  The Foster staff is teaching/modeling these expectations to all students in the real setting.  At home, please help enforce these expectations by providing your child examples of what each expectation looks like at home, school, etc.  Working as a team we will see a positive behavior difference school-wide.